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Mining Companies
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Luna Gold Corp. is a growing, cash-generating gold producer engaged in the operation, expansion, and exploration of promising gold projects. Luna aims to maximize shareholder return while ensuring safe, healthy, and secure workplaces, minimizing environmental impact, and both engaging with and assisting in community development.
Mandalay Resources creates exceptional shareholder value through the acquisition of undervalued assets that can: become rapidly cash generative, self fund exploration, establish and maintain high operating margins, and return cash to shareholders.  Mandalay is committed to operating safely and in an environmentally responsible manner,...
McClean Lake is an open pit uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan. The property consists of two mineral leases covering an area of 980 ha and nine mineral claims covering an area of 3,148 ha. McClean Lake has the newest, most technologically advanced uranium mill in the world.
The 1,426 ha Midwest property consists of three contiguous mineral leases located approximately 750 km north of Saskatoon, Saskatachewan, Canada.
The Millennium mine site is located near Fort McMurray in northern Alberta, Canada.
MMG Limited is a global resources company which explores, develops and mines base metal deposits around the world. We are headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange under Stock Code: 1208.
Before its mine-gate sale in June 2013, Moly Mines mined four areas of iron-ore mineralisation at the Spinifex Ridge iron-ore mine. They are known as Auton, Auton North East, Dalek and Gallifrey (Iron Ore Project), and are located 500m to the east of the Spinifex Ridge molybdenum-copper resource. Production began in late 2010 with an...
Monument Mining Limited ("Monument") is an established Canadian low cost gold producer that owns and operates the Selinsing Gold Mine, and has a portfolio of gold and other metals properties including the Mengapur Polymetallic Project in Malaysia.
The Mt. Milligan copper-gold project, located 155 km northwest of Prince George, and mid-way between the communities of Fort St. James and Mackenzie in central British Columbia, Canada.  The project received an Environmental Assessment (EA) Certificate in March 2009 and a Mines Act Permit from the province of British Columbia in...
Murray River Coalfield is located in eastern side of the Rocky Mountains, 10 km Southwest of Tumbler Ridge, BC, Canada. It is a part of Low piedmont of Rocky Mountains.